Energy Bodies 1-4
At the time a baby is born, there are four energy bodies present. If any one of these structures did not develop properly or is missing, the baby will not survive. These first four are responsible for control of physical functions of the body, the functions that are automatic and not controlled by thought, such as the heartbeat, respiration, digestion, eliminating, etc.
As the baby grows and develops, other energy bodies form. By the age of twelve, there are a total of ten energetic spheres present. Each one is responsible for different functions that have activated according to the experiences of the individual during these first twelve years of life—as well as the influence of memories that came with the soul from past lifetimes.
Have you ever seen those little Russian nesting dolls, where one doll fits inside another and another? Imagine that as an example of these energy bodies surrounding the physical body. Four are internal, six are external and comprise what we see in the aura.
The first four energy bodies are responsible for the physical functions of the body.
The 5th Energy Body
The fifth one crosses the skin barrier and carries information we inherit from our genetic line and the expression of genetic material. That is why inherited characteristics often show up as chronic skin problems.

The 6th Energy Body
The sixth through the tenth energy bodies are the ones that separate us from other animals. All animals have the first four or five depending on the species. That’s why your pet can seemingly talk to you. Domesticated animals have learned to pattern energy bodies after ours and intertwine us with them.
This intertwining has become more pronounced over the last few decades to the point where our pets have become family members. A wild animal does not have the ability to pattern their energy spheres to mesh with human energy bodies. Yet, it seems even the untamed beasts on our planet are beginning to acquire this skill.
The sixth energy body forms between the second and third year, during that terrible-twos stage and guides us into socialization and our place in society.

The 7th Energy Body
The seventh one develops between the fourth and fifth year, when we begin school, and governs the ability of the individual to acquire knowledge.

The 8th Energy Body
The eighth, forming between the sixth and seventh years, is responsible for perceptual comprehension and the ability of the individual to form thought patterns that influence learning. This is the time at which the ability to calculate math begins to develop.

The 9th Energy Body
The ninth energy body is in place by the tenth year. This structure helps us socialize and read other people. This is the age at which we become aware of a larger world and how politics may affect our life. It is usually the age when most people form the friendships they will keep for life.

The 10th Energy Body
The tenth, in place by the twelfth year, governs the development of independent thought and extra-sensory perception. Every individual has all ten, but how they develop is influenced by the experiences and the training the person receives in their lifetime.

The Energy Levels
In addition to the ten energy bodies just described, there are six energy levels that connect us to time, human subconscious, the unseen spirit world, and directly to the God consciousness. Some practitioners call these structures etheric bodies or circles of enlightenment. Whatever term is used does not matter. What matters is the understanding that these energy levels are very real structures that are essential to our ability to function in our world.
All ten energy bodies that animate our material body and help us learn, lie within the first level, the physical level. The energy bodies are connected to all the levels, at all times, through the Chakra points that emanate from the endocrine glands.
The 1st Level (Physical)
This first level, the physical, governs our primal fears and survival instincts. This energy level would develop with the first four energy bodies during the fetal gestation period.

2nd Level (Mental)
The second level, the mental energy level, connects us to time and allows recognition of the self in the sequence of time. This level would develop along with the fifth and sixth energy bodies. That familiar refrain “are we there yet?” of young children on a road trip is evidence this energy level had not yet come into play.
If this level does not function properly, the individual has difficulty understanding the sequencing of events and would appear selfish and self-centered.

3rd Level (Emotional)
The emotional energy level, the third one, connects us to the racial and ethic consciousness of our physical inheritance and gives us our identity, feelings of patriotism and race membership. This level would develop with the eighth and ninth energy bodies. A person stuck at this level would embrace the concepts of chosen and rejected peoples and would have difficulty getting over prejudicial thinking.

4th Level (Psychological)
The fourth energy level, the psychological level, connects us to the universal collective consciousness through which we may experience a feeling of proper conduct and an understanding of what is right or wrong in dealing with members of the human race.
This level governs the ability to understand what is good for all peoples on the planet. Although most have this level present by the age of ten, it may not be fully functional until after the age of sixty. Many people remain self-centered and think of only what is good for them as an individual until they mature into the fully-functional ability of this level. Our best world leaders are often those over the age of sixty because they have fully developed the ability to think of the welfare of all of humankind.

5th Level (Psychic)
The psychic energy level, the fifth one, connects us to the unseen world of spirit guides and angels from which we draw the feelings of intuition. This is the level that helps us feel that there is a consciousness greater than ourselves—and not all of our ideas come from us alone.

6th Level (Spiritual)
The sixth and the last energy level, the spiritual level, connects us directly to the God consciousness and higher-level spirit communication. This is the level that takes the individual from citizen of his country and a member of the human race upward to become a citizen of the universe.

We all have these six levels, but only when we realize consciously how we are functioning within them do they fully develop. Full development becomes enlightenment. Full function is rare in the modern world but will become possible in the future.
Full Function
The advantages of allowing special abilities latent in the energy bodies and levels to fully reactivate and develop are numerous. These may include the ability to automatically know what is good for you and what is not, to know when someone lies to you or is manipulating your feelings, as well as the ability to create and manifest desires. These properties are just waiting to be reactivated.
When operational, it would be possible for individuals to avoid becoming victims of domestic violence, money scams, unnecessary or harmful health-improvement products and corrupt politicians. It may also be possible for individuals to scan the ethers for danger signals or make proper decisions for future safety. More importantly, development of latent functions could lead to extraordinary healing ability, telepathic communication and many of the skills yet unknown to humanity.
Changing the Past
Learning to develop, trust, listen to, and understand emotional-based knowing seems extremely necessary at the present time. A lot of people appear unhappy, sick, or desperate for answers to their problems. Our social, economic, political, and medical systems are shifting. We are at a critical stage. It is possible to find our way, but we must create awareness.
Quantum energy is the form of energy that acts according to the desires of the observer. Niels Bohr described it first. He wrote that whatever the scientist expected to observe, the energetic impulse of his thoughts would create that effect.
An impulse of quantum energy can create an impact on the functions of energy bodies in the human in two ways: The first would be through meditation and thought processes. The second would be through the quantum energetic impulse of Qi (chi) energy from a master healer or a homeopathic remedy.
Now, is the perfect time in history to talk about restoring the glory of special abilities that can help increase longevity in the normal person. It always seemed such a shame that in today’s world, we only live 70 to 100 years or so. Just when we gain enough experience to really know how the world functions, we become infirm and die. In the Western world, it’s even worse because often older people become demented, and we lose accumulated wisdom. However, in reading books by Alice Bailey, a member of the Theosophical Society of the 1930s, (A Treatise on White Magic, Lucis Publishing 1934) I thought it possible that the shorter life span of modern humans has allowed for a faster evolutionary process. That need for a shorter lifespan may be coming to an end. Perhaps we have reached our goals in brain development and have completed evolution. Some metaphysicians believe this to be true.