These symbols were discovered through work with a crystal ball. They are symbols from an ancient language, a language used before any written word was develop. How they connect to our alien ancestors and the impact on the development of the human race is told in novel form in my book The Dravidian Story, A Tale of Peace and Hope, available on Amazon.
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Glossary of Symbols

This is the symbol for the beginning. In your script, this is A. In Arabic, it is called Alif. And in the Greek language, it is Alpha.

The second one can be described as B. And also represents an articulated sound similar to P. In the original universal language, the B and P are indistinct.

The third of this group is a C. And it sounds similar to the C or K in other languages.

This image is articulated as D.

The TH, as heard in the word ‘theory’ is represented like this.

And those two, the images of D and TH, come together to form the hard T, as in ‘tight.’ As you can see, this picture has elements of both D and TH. Actually, the pronunciation of these three letters, D-T-Th, are so close that your ear may not always be able to distinguish the subtle differences.
They occur in sets of three because each one builds toward the final image in the group. This concept is most clear in the next round.

The O begins with two wings of an open circle that face upward.

The O begins with two wings of an open circle that face upward.
These two images close into two concentric circles when they are brought together to create a representation of the sound that emerges from the high dimensions—the OM sound.

Read this symbol from the center out. O is inside the M.

If this symbol occurs as a single form, like this, it represents a soft S sound , similar to what you hear in the word ‘sense’—or a short Sh sound such as in the word ‘shame’.

But if it appears in the finalized pair, it is pronounced as a longer, drawn out SH sound as in the word ‘hush.’

The next one has two aspects. It can be either a J or a G. The delineation is very subtle.

The last one in this group is a symbol that can represent either a W or a V sound.
The next group communicates an even higher vibrational level.

The N can also represent the negative, as if to say ‘no.’

This is similar to the articulation of H as in ‘happy’ or ‘hot.’

And an L.

This is an S, but harder and stronger than the other S. This is what you would hear in a word like ‘snake’ or ‘snap.’ Also the Z sound.

Y as in ‘yes’, and this image is often used as the affirmative reply.

An image that represents R. If all three of these diamond shapes appear together, it is the rolled R of many of Earth’s languages, such as in the romance, Indo-European tongues—as well as others.

Dravi, the symbol of humanity’s advancement If a single blue diamond appears in a word, it would be pronounced as the simple R you are more familiar with in English.
Symbols with advanced meaning

Dravi, the symbol of humanity’s advancement

Symbol that represents the Akasha, the galactic hall of records

The planet “Yera”

The image of a chakra

Representation of an angel.

Several angels coming forward in line.

A symbol to guide entities toward Rose to render help

Foretells the appearance of the guides

We are Yerrian travelers.

Travelers from outside our solar system are still with us

Represents the Kingdom of the Kumari

Alien friends will help humanity

Captain Thiran’s name badge

The sign of the intergalactic traveler

Symbol of the Galactic Alliance Headquarters

Galactic Council Chambers

The planet called Aaa, home of the Dravidians

Those who dwell in the upper dimensions. Including angels, saints and prophets who will continue to help humanity advance.

Remember the past in order to move forward into the future

The Galactic symbol for God and his 4 archangels

God’s new sign of peace. Harmony enveloping the world.

Symbol of the opportunity to discover an entire universe that exists in other dimensions.

The pledge alien friends will continue to help humanity

The Yerrian are benevolent friends to humanity

The Council’s decision to continue to protect Earth

All life forms are worthy of recognition

Knowledge leads to hope

The crew is now present